World Association for Connecting People

First name

Fatima Pereira da Silva Pereira

Last name


Organisation name

World Association for Connecting People

Type of member


Describe your organisation

WORLD ASSOCIATION FOR CONNECTING PEOPLE (WACP), is a private non-profit association of public interest, governed by these statutes and by Portuguese law.

WORLD ASSOCIATION FOR CONNECTING PEOPLE (WACP) has its main territorial scope of action in the Portuguese territory and in the developing countries being able, given the global nature of the problems of cooperation and development, to carry out projects and participate in actions at international level.

The mission of the WORLD ASSOCIATION FOR CONNECTING PEOPLE (WACP) is realized through the creation and implementation of innovative responses that best promote social and professional development and the promotion of equal opportunities between men and women, the quality of life, creating partnerships with public and private sectors and civil society organizations.
As part of its mission, WORLD ASSOCIATION FOR CONNECTING PEOPLE (WACP) intends to promote the following activities:
a) Research, design, development and intervention of actions and projects related to mobility;
b) Design, development and diffusion of technological products related to the protection of people and goods and mobility;
(c) development cooperation, education and training;
(d) Social, cultural, economic, formative and environmental development of communities;
(e) promoting social integration and community development;
(f) Consulting, training, assistance and training to create new models of social responses;
(g) research on social innovation, education and the environment;
(h) Conducting studies of diagnostics, development, conferences and seminars;
(i) Conceptual and practical innovation in new technologies;
(g) Promotion, dissemination of equal opportunities and gender equality actions;
(h) Promotion sports and tourism events;
(i) Development and promotion of communication strategies;
(J) Promotion of internationalization of its associates in the various focused areas.
managing its assets and budget independently, but subordinated to the purposes for which it
was established, with full respect for the rules of these statutes.
