Provide alternative solutions

Using Social Media for knowledge

we are convinced that technology is essential today to address the lack of social and road culture in many states, not only in the Mediterranean area.  But we wonder if it is not yet possible to intervene with the "older" generations to improve these problems via technology as well.  We could use the social networks Facebook and WhatsApp to distribute easily printable files to report to the authorities on the problems that we as motorcyclists encounter daily on the roads.

Data oriented and supported measures to protect vulnerable road users by understanding behavioural aspects at different infrastructural sections is mandatory for professional and successful pro-active road safety work. Usual data collection within the road safety sector is provided by short-timed data collection by hand or police-initiated reports after crashes happened. For better results in research and infrastructure planning, much more data over longer timespans is needed to provide better understanding on traffic flow mechanics, human behaviour and infrastructural effects on both former topics.
With the Mobility Observation Box (MOB) an image sensor based solution to collect, measure and evaluate trajectory data that integrates seamless into traffic flows without interfering them was developed to overcome the data collection issues. MOB is able to collect data for up to 14 consecutive days on-site with machine learning based post-processing of relevant safety KPIs such as TTC and PET. The technology is battery-powered and can be mounted nearly everywhere due to its lightweight.
4 October 2023 08:00 – 6 October 2023 15:00
Years before, "fleet size" was the only criteria to prioritize risk. Focus was mainly on countries with bigger fleets, where audits, programs reviews and inspections were continuously and repeatedly performed. With the combination of multi input of data like: program review & audit scores, last audit performed, SAFE FLEET Team presence, fleet size, vehicle ownership, performance (CPMM and IPMM), BTW completion, High Risk Drivers %, SIF-p, we were able to identify and predict more accurate where risk resides and finally define good/strong strategic action plans.
With our innovative project Zero Objective we are addressing the figure of the designated driver among the youth. Although many of the students who did the activity are still in the process of getting their driver's license, they didn’t hear before about the designated driver. Thanks to ZERO OBJECTIVE PROJECT they are already very aware that they will put into practice what they learned in our designated driver workshop, generating in the attendees the commitment to take care of oneself and all the other drivers.
Zero Objective project is an awareness campaign based on the testimony of a victim of a road crash that was implemented by P(A)T during 2021 and 2022 with numerous groups of young pre-drivers (17 to 24 years old), and its power to form reliable drivers is still obvious.
In Europe, the application of Victims’ Rights Directive has been very disappointing for victims of road crashes, since a very small percentage has benefited from the Victim’s Statute. One of the reasons is the lack of recognition of victims of road crashes as victims of a crime, even though most of the time it is the result of assaults in traffic as a result of illicit, reckless and illegal conduct.

That is why we want to remind that road crash victims are also victims of violent acts that fall within the criminal sphere and that road violence causes deaths and injuries with lifelong consequences and must be protected by the Victims’ Rights Directive.
1. Right-hand priority rule
1.1 Safety
1.2 Fluidity
2. The roundabout
3. Parking
3.1. The parking parallel to the axis of the road
3.2. The parking perpendicular to the axis of the road
3.3. The oblique parking on the axis of the road
3.3.1 The parking at a sharp angle to the axis of the road
3.3.2 Parking at an obtuse angle to the road axis
4. Crosswalks: safety, fluidity, slow speed
4.1 The danger when crossing the street
4.2 Intersection blocking
4.3 Intermittent blocking
4.4 The impossibility of applying visible markings
4.5 Geometry of crosswalks, solution for excessive speed
5. Vehicle lights
5.1 The third brake light
5.2 Lights
5.3 Horizontal daytime or position lights
5.4 Signal lights
5.5 The surface and luminous intensity
5.6 Emergency lights
6. Entry and exit lanes, in and out of the highway
6.1 Length of acceleration and deceleration lanes
6.2 Common acceleration/deceleration lanes
7. Road markings and reflective elements
7.1 STOP and Yield markings
7.2 The reflectivity of markings
8. The devices with dispaly inside the cars
9. European technical inspection
10. European vehicle card
11. Final conclusions
In Ireland, 43% of Learner Drivers practice unaccompanied, leading to an average of 10-12 fatal road collisions amongst this cohort annually.

This dissertation examined and investigated the Learner Driving process currently established in Ireland with a view to evaluating its effectiveness.

As part of the EDT programme in Ireland, learner drivers are recommended to undertake 36 hours of supervised driving. There is no requirement to log these hours currently unlike international best practice where supervised training hours are logged. When learner driver practice hours are required to be logged in Ireland, there will be a cohort of drivers who are unable to access a vehicle or sponsor for on-road driving practice.
Fatalities arising from road crashes are unacceptable, however, it appears that society has accepted fatalities arising from road crashes as inevitable. While road traffic crashes may be an everyday occurrence, they are both predictable and preventable.

The goal of my research is to quantify, classify and identify the reasons why road crashes happen and develop a next steps approach to those fully licences drivers who break existing road traffic legislation in Ireland.
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