Jaakko Klang

First name


Last name


Organisation name

Jaakko Klang

Type of member

Local/Public Authority

Describe your organisation

Tasks of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
• Advisory, financing, and development services for enterprises; employment-based aid and labour market training; handling of agricultural and
fishery issues; addressing of immigration matters; and EU structural fund projects.
• Environmental protection, steering of the use of land and construction, nature protection, monitoring of the state of the environment, and usage
and management of water resources.
• Road maintenance, road projects, handling of transport permit issues, traffic safety, and public transport and island traffic.
• Vocational education, library services, sports and physical training services, the education system, and youth services.
• Steering and supervision of the activities of Employment and Economic Development offices and safeguarding of the public interest in relation
to environmental and water issues.


Your priority areas