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Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The main purpose of the project is to unite communities and professionals from different areas of activity with the aim of reaffirming each person's right to safe journeys. The central message of this campaign is that every life matters on the road.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Obstakelvrije voetpaden, het waarneembaar maken van drempels voor blinde en slechtziende voetgangers aan de hand van een campagne vanuit het perspectief van blinde en slechtziende weggebruikers. Team Trottoir is een campagne waarin we zowel mensen met als zonder visuele beperking aansporen om obstakels in de kijker te zetten. Symfoon wil weggebruikers en lokale overheden in hun eigen omgeving bewust maken van het belang van een vrij voetpad om de veiligheid van blinde en slechtziende mensen te verhogen. Eén van de belangrijkste uitdagingen voor mensen met een visuele beperking is mobiliteit en verkeersveiligheid. Door een verminderd zicht of het ontbreken van zicht wordt een groot stuk van de autonomie ingeperkt en wordt zich verplaatsen als voetganger veelal de enige mogelijkheid. Daarom is het uiterst belangrijk dat we deze enige kans tot verplaatsing in een zo veilig mogelijke context stimuleren. Een toegankelijk voetpad is dus allereerst obstakelvrij.

Saturday, April 1, 2023
In Ireland, 43% of Learner Drivers practice unaccompanied, leading to an average of 10-12 fatal road collisions amongst this cohort annually.
This dissertation examined and investigated the Learner Driving process currently established in Ireland with a view to evaluating its effectiveness.
As part of the EDT programme in Ireland, learner drivers are recommended to undertake 36 hours of supervised driving. There is no requirement to log these hours currently unlike international best practice where supervised training hours are logged. When learner driver practice hours are required to be logged in Ireland, there will be a cohort of drivers who are unable to access a vehicle or sponsor for on-road driving practice.
This dissertation examined and investigated the Learner Driving process currently established in Ireland with a view to evaluating its effectiveness.
As part of the EDT programme in Ireland, learner drivers are recommended to undertake 36 hours of supervised driving. There is no requirement to log these hours currently unlike international best practice where supervised training hours are logged. When learner driver practice hours are required to be logged in Ireland, there will be a cohort of drivers who are unable to access a vehicle or sponsor for on-road driving practice.

Saturday, March 25, 2023
Fatalities arising from road crashes are unacceptable, however, it appears that society has accepted fatalities arising from road crashes as inevitable. While road traffic crashes may be an everyday occurrence, they are both predictable and preventable.
The goal of my research is to quantify, classify and identify the reasons why road crashes happen and develop a next steps approach to those fully licences drivers who break existing road traffic legislation in Ireland.
The goal of my research is to quantify, classify and identify the reasons why road crashes happen and develop a next steps approach to those fully licences drivers who break existing road traffic legislation in Ireland.

Friday, March 24, 2023
La zece ani de la semnarea Cartei Europene a Siguranței Rutiere, Industrie Mică Prahova SA și blogul Drumul în siguranță reiterează angajamentul de a contribui activ la reducerea numărului de accidente şi a victimelor cauzate de acestea prin lansarea studiului „Prevenirea accidentelor rutiere,” unicul de acest gen din România la acest moment. Studiul se bazează pe cele mai recente statistici europene și la nivel mondial în domeniul siguranței rutiere și conține sugestii și referiri cu privire la metodele de calmare a traficului și diminuare a numărului victimelor pe șosele.