Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

Get inspired – and sign up to share your good practices too! 


Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Years before, "fleet size" was the only criteria to prioritize risk. Focus was mainly on countries with bigger fleets, where audits, programs reviews and inspections were continuously and repeatedly performed. With the combination of multi input of data like: program review & audit scores, last audit performed, SAFE FLEET Team presence, fleet size, vehicle ownership, performance (CPMM and IPMM), BTW completion, High Risk Drivers %, SIF-p, we were able to identify and predict more accurate where risk resides and finally define good/strong strategic action plans.
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Apart from the bad road network and climatic conditions, other causes of road accidents on some of the roads have been linked to negligence of drivers and mechanical errors. other courses of road accidents include drink driving, faulty traffic light, faulty streetlight, highway attackers, fake engine oil, fake brake fluid, mechanical error, potholes. overloading, poor eyesight, Insufficient lighting conditions; unlit roads pose danger to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists, including threat to security.
A vehicle manufacturers document shows that, vehicles are equipped with 4 brakes to provide utmost safety on the roads, but our cheeks showed most drivers of commercial vehicles have disconnected 2 of these brakes, posing danger on the roads. Also, worn-out tyres affect the performance of vehicles.
Friday, April 28, 2023
V sobotu 29. dubna pořádáme další akci k zahájení cyklosezóny. Přijďte od 10 do 16 hodin na dětské dopravní hřiště v Komíně (ulice Pastviny) a otestujte svoje dovednosti na kole nebo koloběžce. Provoz houstne a je důležité si připomínat svoji bezpečnost. Na děti navíc čekají krásné odměny.
Akci pořádáme ve spolupráci s Magistrátem města Brna.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
With our innovative project Zero Objective we are addressing the figure of the designated driver among the youth. Although many of the students who did the activity are still in the process of getting their driver's license, they didn’t hear before about the designated driver. Thanks to ZERO OBJECTIVE PROJECT they are already very aware that they will put into practice what they learned in our designated driver workshop, generating in the attendees the commitment to take care of oneself and all the other drivers.
Zero Objective project is an awareness campaign based on the testimony of a victim of a road crash that was implemented by P(A)T during 2021 and 2022 with numerous groups of young pre-drivers (17 to 24 years old), and its power to form reliable drivers is still obvious.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
We have been and continue to address issues associated with road accidents and medical treatments and are creating a process and methodology for data export. The results are the basis for injury prevention work.