Expert round table "Casualties of motorcyclists, cyclists and mopedists"

3 April 2014 00:00
Union of rail drivers of Croatia, Palomtićeva 57 a


Sigurnost u prometu
"Casualties of motorcyclists, cyclists and mopedists" is a expert and awareness event that we had organised for the third time. This year we had managed to get support from the National program for the traffic safety. Presenters are eminent experts from Ministry of internal affairs, University of Zagreb, and other institutions and today we shall tackle safety of the most vulnerable participants in road traffic.


Conclusions  Within the concept of lifelong education conduct education of most vulnerable participants in road traffic (motorcyclists, moped, cyclists)  In collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior - National Programme on road safety, local community, motorcycle and bicycle associations organize and conduct educational - preventive activities  Reduce the number of unregistered and technically defective motorcycles and mopeds in traffic  Increase the number and effectiveness of controls for motorcyclists without helmets  The road infrastructure operaters should implement measures to reduce the risk of injury motorcyclists and cyclists  Encourage local governments (cities) on the adoption of sustainable urban mobility plans  Traffic Safety Act (law) should enable the use of the bicycle powered auxiliary motor (e-bikes, Pedelek etc.)


1. Miron Huljak, „Osvrt na prometne nesreće i stradavanja motociklista, mopedista i biciklista“
2.Igor Dorić, univ. spec. mech., „Statistika tehničkih pregleda mopeda i motocikala“
3.Georg – Davor Lisicin,, „Edukativna preventivno – sigurnosna radionica za motocikliste“ Marko Ševrović, „Geoinformacijske tehnologije u funkciji valorizacije mjesta grupiranja prometnih nesreća“
5.Darinka Jug, „Osobni utjecaj vozača bicikla na sigurnost u prometu“
6. Krešimir Dvorski, dipl.oec., „Sustav javnih bicikala u gradovima RH“,
7.Darinka Jug/Georg - Davor Lisicin , „ ŠKOLA VOŽNJE – biciklom kroz grada za odrasle“