Benovska Consultancy Ltd.

First name

Eng. Vanya

Last name


Organisation name

Benovska Consultancy Ltd.

Type of member


Describe your organisation

Business Development Company for Trade and Investments Co

1/ Consultation services: Provide information and consultation on the opportunities to carry out economic activity in the Republic of Bulgaria; Preparation of documents and registration of companies; Provision of business information and preparation of economic profiles of Bulgarian companies; Search & selection of business partners; Consultations on standardization and quality control systems; Consultations in the field of personnel planning, development and management; Provision of services to companies in carrying out their commercial activity; Information on patents, trademarks and protection of intellectual property; Consultations on the application and requirements of trade and customs regimes; Consultations on legal issues, Consultations on tax issues

2/ Consultations on projects for financing: Provide assistance for drafting of project proposals for financing; Development of business plans and projects; Provision of information and consultations on financial and insurance issues

3/ Organizing business events, meetings, forums, etc.
