Traffic Academy is a periodical for of traffic education that is carried on in Primary School No 15 in Radom since 2008. There are many streets with heavy traffic near our school. One of them is an international route E7. All this makes the teachers worry about the safety of the students. The statistics show that in Poland 15 people are killed and 160 wounded in traffic accidents. Is it many? It is definitely too many! Many of those accidents could be avoided if both drivers and the pedestrians would be more cautious and know traffic regulations better. That is why the regulations should be taught to as young children as possible to make them become habits. The safety of the students is the most important thing. That is why the Traffic Academy is mainly for the younger students. The aim of the Academy is to teach children how to behave on the street and help others in emergency situations. There are different meetings at school with police officers, doctors as well as competitions, multimedia presentations and art exhibitions. The example of this can be the tournament about traffic regulations for students from local schools. It is organized by the teachers from our school: Lidia Michalska, Anna Wójcicka, Edyta Sadowska and Anna Russ. Many local institutons such as police station support this event by founding the prizes. The last edition of the tournament took place on 21st May. There were five local schools in it and it was divided into two parts. The first part was a kind of eliminations in other schools. The second was the final competition and it took place in our school. The students tasks were: 1. To complete the crossword about the traffic and first aid, 2. To act a play about traffic regulations, 3. Competitions about emergency numbers, 4. Multimedia presentation, 5. Practical test of first aid abilities, In the jury there were the head-teacher of our school, the President of the local traffic station, the first-aider, a police officer, a nurse and the teachers. The students from Primary School No 29 in Radom won the tournament, the students of our school took the second place and the third place was for students from School No 9 in Radom.

