“Road Crashes – Let’s Talk” Campaign The Association “Road and Safety” invites primary schools to participate in a nationwide preventive and educational action called “Road Crashes – Let’s Talk”. Our school has joined this initiative for the fifth time. The topic of this year’s edition was “Visibility on the Road”. The action was under the patronage of the Minister of Education. Tasks planned and carried out as part of the action “Road Crashes – Let’s Talk” 1. Talking to the pupils about the necessity of being visible on the road during form tutor periods. 2. Organizing an inter-school debate and writing down the conclusions drawn by pupils. 3. Organizing a competition for a poem or a slogan concerning the necessity of wearing fluorescent clothing. 4. Organizing a school artistic contest for the best drawing or a poster concerning “Visibility on the Road”. 5. Organizing an exhibition of the works at school and in the Municipal Public Library in Dąbrowa Tarnowska. 6. Organizing a school assembly. 7. Informing parents about the talks and debates and the drawn conclusions. 8. Organizing a meeting with a police officer – discussing issues concerning visibility on the road. 9. Preparing classroom newsletters. 10. Organizing a happening. 11. Showing a Power Point presentation and a film prepared by the Association “Road and Safety” to pupils to emphasize the importance of wearing fluorescent clothing. 12. Lighting candles on the roadside graves of road fatalities. 13. Putting up posters at school and in some institutions in Dąbrowa Tarnowska. 14. Organizing class discussions – preparing metaplans and presenting them to the school community. 15. Preparing a first-aid post and organizing lessons in giving road accident victims first aid, handing out leaflets. 16. Encouraging pupils to wear fluorescent waistcoats and other elements. 17. Organizing a literary contest concerning proper behavior on the road – the task was to finish the story. 18. Writing “fluorescent” rhymes. 19. Writing a “fluorescent” song. 20. Presenting the materials by the School Safety Club. 21. Creating “The Fluorescent School Code”. Remember! Fluorescent elements = safety! After dark a pedestrian may see the lights of a vehicle from the distance of a few metres. A driver notices a pedestrian only when he or she is lit by the headlights, which is too late. Wear fluorescent elements – they may save your life!