
13:00 Welcome to the Webinar
13:05 Reducing Road deaths among young people: an EU perspective on data and policies, Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director, European Traffic Safety Council
13:25 Risk profiles among young drivers licensing at age 17, Mette Möller, Senior Resecher, Head of section department of technology, management, and economics, DTU, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
13:50 Young driver problem. What do we know and what is the role of decision-makers? Mika Hatakka, PhD, Psychologist, Finland
14:15 Trial programme for young drivers who has lost their driving entitlement, Bård Morten Johansen, Head of traffic safety, Norwegian Council for Road Safety, Norway
14:40 Break
15:00 The mobile phone use of teen cyclists in Denmark, Anette Jerup Jørgensen, Chief consultant, Københavns Kommune, Denmark
15:25 Moped gatherings, Tuomo Katajisto, Police inspector, Poliisi - Police of Finland, Finland
15:50 How to engage youths? The kinderegg approach, Liv Marie Bendheim, Project- and campaign manager, Ung i trafikken, Norway
16:15 A-tractors in Sweden, Helena Selander, Associate Professor, Senior Researher, VTI, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Sweden
16:40 Norwegian Police's road safety work to improve road safety for young drivers, Roar Skjelbred Larsen, Norwegian National Road Policing Service