Once again our school takes part in a campaign organized by the Provincial Road Safety Council and the Traffic Department of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Krakow and the Provincial Department of Education. Partners of the campaign are the Provincial Office in Krakow, the Marshal Office in Krakow and the National Road Safety Centre. This year the campaign is called “Fluorescent School Is Me and You – It’s Us”. The aim is to remind pupils of road safety rules and the obligation of wearing fluorescent materials. Last year’s campaign was very interesting and successful. We propagated the right and safe behavior on the road not only in our school but also among the inhabitants of our town and we won the title of “The Best School in the Dąbrowa Tarnowska District”. This year preparing new and interesting tasks was very difficult but not impossible. We wanted our pupils to get involved in this year’s edition as well as parents and services responsible for road safety. Since our priority is the safety of our pupils we devote a lot of time to this issue so our actions are not occasional. The campaign gives the opportunity to show that the school not only teaches but also cares for the safety of children especially when they go to and from school. It also promotes every initiative that may reduce road traffic risks. The contest is to promote wearing fluorescent elements which make pedestrians safer. It is worth saying that pedestrians as unprotected road users are exposed to the most serious consequences even if the car goes at 20-30 km/h. This is why taking actions preventing the youngest from road accidents is so important. In order to achieve our goals we intend to do the following tasks: Main tasks: 1. Fitting each and every pupil in our school with fluorescent waistcoats and other elements. 2. Fitting all first-graders with fluorescent scarves. Additional tasks: 1. Organizing the School Artistic Contest connected with road safety for grades 1-3 and grades 4-6. 2. Organizing the School Road Safety Knowledge Competition for grades 1-3 and grades 4-6. 3. Organizing an event summing up what has been done so far to promote safety. 4. Organizing additional after-school classes connected with road safety: the activity of the School Safety Club called “Stopka” for grades 4-6 and classes in first aid “We teach how to rescue” for grades 1-6. 5. Publishing texts about our actions on the school and local websites, classroom newsletters and in the local media. 6. Preparing an educational leaflet. 7. Lectures for parents. 8. “The Fluorescent disco” (pupils come to a party wearing fluorescent clothes or elements). 9. Bringing up safety issues during classes. 10. Organizing “The Exemplary Pedestrian Exam” – Koziołek Matołek Teaches Road Safety Rules – competitions, diplomas, educational and communication drawings for colouring in. 11. Theatre performances connected with road safety. 12. The event called “An Apple or a Lemon” 13. Handing out leaflets about safe pedestrian crossings. 14. Preparing an exhibition of artistic works at school and the local Culture Centre. 15. Lessons in first aid. 16. Organizing a happening “I Am Visible – I Am Safe”. 17. Visit to the fire brigade headquarters. 18. Running the School Safety Club called “Stopka”. 19. Road Safety clubs. 20. Designing postcards “The Fluorescent School” – raising money for the promotion of road safety. 21. Sending e-mails or text messages concerning the importance of wearing fluorescent elements and waistcoats – “Schoolkid, Let Yourself Be Visible” 22. The most fluorescent classroom contest. 23. Cyclical meetings with police officers.
Target Audience