It is a tradition in our school that first-graders take “The Exemplary Pedestrian Exam” in September. This year 115 pupils took this exam. Policemen, who had been invited to this event, instructed children how to get from their houses to school and from school to their houses safely. Moreover, they paid pupils’ attention to the importance of wearing reflective clothing or using reflective materials, for example armbands or waistcoats emphasizing the fact that every pupil should have them. Then fifth-graders, who conducted “The Exam”, in a very interesting and funny way consolidated pupils’ knowledge of road safety that they had been acquiring during classes. While taking “The Exam”, first-graders had to carry out various tasks, for example they arranged a pedestrian crossing, solved riddles, identified road signs and did jigsaw puzzles. Children got reflective materials for the tasks they carried out correctly. Since pupils were perfectly prepared for “The Exam”, a special guest arrived – it was Koziołek Matołek, a very famous fairy-tale character in Poland. Pupils listened to his advice carefully and eagerly answered all his questions. They also sang a song about reflective materials for the guest. Every participant of the event got a gift in the form of reflective materials such as armbands or waistcoats that had been funded by the Department of Road Traffic and other friendly institutions (a total of 115 reflective waistcoats). Finally, everybody got certificates of exemplary pedestrians, pedestrian cards and booklets on road safety. Members of Parliament, the mayor of Dąbrowa Tarnowska, the police chief, the head teacher and class tutors were present at the event. It is one of the ideas of drumming road safety rules into our youngest pupils. After the exam, children (wearing reflective waistcoats) together with their class tutors and policemen went to the town to a real pedestrian crossing in order to put the rules they learnt into practice. We believe that the steps we take will make our pupils conscious road users who obey rules and care for their safety.
Target Audience