For four years our school has been organizing a preventive campaign called “An Apple or a Lemon”. Pupils from grades 4 and 5 under the supervision of teachers and police officers from the Traffic Department in Dąbrowa Tarnowska took part in this event. The main goal of this action was paying drivers’ attention to obeying traffic regulations and reminding them that they may increase the level of safety on the roads. Police officers together with pupils stopped cars, checked drivers’ papers and sobriety to make sure that they drove safely. Those drivers who obeyed traffic regulations were given beautiful red apples and those who broke the rules had to eat a sour lemon. The campaign met with the approval of drivers, especially those who avoided being fined or getting penalty points. Only a few drivers made sour faces. Drivers were also given leaflets about road safety regulations concerning the youngest road users. The pupils participating in the event gave a good example and all of them wore fluorescent waistcoats. This event gave our pupils the possibility to see how police officers work. Pupils could ask questions and watch the guardians of public order in action. Such campaigns are a great way of promoting safety regulations among children. Police officers seized an opportunity and reminded both pupils and adults of the necessity of wearing fluorescent elements for their own safety.
Target Audience