Lithuanian Transport Safety Administration (hereinafter - LTSA) continues to take steps to improve road safety in the Republic of Lithuania. This time LTSA decided to collect data about pedestrian’s and cyclist’s knowledge on road safety requirements and gave out reflectors to the participants.
This campaign targeted the most vulnerable group of road users who face daily risks on their way home. The administration recognizes these dangers and is looking for a way to improve their safety conditions by any possible means. Cyclists and pedestrians across the country were asked to fill a survey which reflected their knowledge and attitude towards safety in traffic. These short questions helped to gather objective data on the road safety issues which will be later used to tackle the most important problems in the Lithuanian transport system concerning vulnerable road users.
LTSA inspectors chose to actively engage with vulnerable road users in the places where most of road accidents happen. These locations are often marked as ‘dangerous zones’. Participants were asked questions about safety rules, their daily practices and experiences on the road. Inspectors also were giving out free reflectors to those road users who did not have one.
Campaign is expected to tackle two problems at the same time. On the one hand, it allowed inspectors to gather necessary information about cyclists and pedestrians on the streets. On the other hand, this offered a chance to actively promote awareness of safety issues. The most recent LTSA's campaign involved many different locations and cities - from small towns where cyclists and pedestrians are the most active to villages where safety rules are often forgotten. Inspectors started this campaign just before the holiday season when mobility on roads drastically increases.
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