School Traffic Olynthos Project

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School Traffic Olynthos Project

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The construction of our Traffic Education Park’s micrography was designed and implemented using pedagogical criteria tosupport experiential learning greatly.
Understanding the importance of the role that a Traffic Education Park can have, we constructed the micrography of one in our School’s backyard to create the new generation of Greek drivers that have the desired culture. A young person that has created a driving culture through school and has also acquired behaving skills is will be envisioning a totally different society, one where traffic security is self-evident. The same young person will consider getting a driver’s license as a natural consequence of a longtime education process. Furthermore, it needs to be taken into consideration that children have a positive effect on driving parents and can help them drive more safely. That’s what international experience has shown.’
In Olynthos’ Primary School Traffic Park, many educational events will be organizedby The Education Department of the Municipality of Polygyros, Polygyros’ Traffic Police, The Teachers’ Board, The School’s Parent-Teacher Associationand other Traffic Education bodies , within the framework of Traffic Education programs.
More specifically, teachers that teach a subject regarding Traffic Education will have the opportunity to visit Olynthos’ Traffic Education Park and their students will have the chance to experience a guided tour.
Our education proposal
Our Education program will include these steps:
• During the first step, students will watch a live presentation of the Park and the basic concepts of Traffic Education at Olynthos’ Community Center.
• Afterwards, thestudentswillvisittheTrafficEducationParkwhere, using experiential learning, they will learn to recognize traffic signs and other elements (roads – sidewalks- parking lots, roundabouts etc)
• Later, students will learn to recognize signs of the Highway Code as well as positioning them correctly in the Park.
• Then, students will be trained how to move around with safety as pedestrians.
• Lastly, the program will be concludedby practicalexercise, where students will follow several routes driving specially designed wooden car models following what they been taught.
The Park will be Openly Accessible and will be geared towards everyone interested and will serve as a role model of correct behavior.
LastlybycreatingthePark’sWikiat διεύθυνση we support online and distant learningfor our partners.
