Associazione Sviluppo Innovazione Ambiente "ASIA Onlus"

First name

Dr. Luigi

Last name


Organisation name

Associazione Sviluppo Innovazione Ambiente "ASIA Onlus"

Type of member


Describe your organisation

The Associazione Sviluppo Innovazione Ambiente "ASIA Onlus" is a Not for Profit organisation established in 2000 and officially accredited from 2004 for Vocational Educational Training (VET) and governed by public legislation from the Italian Molise region.
ASIA Onlus main purpose is to develop, increase and diffuse Education, E-Learning, M-Learning, Learning in Presence and in Distance/Blended for a global digitally interconnected World.
ASIA Onlus develops adult people learning, training for trainers, researches, manuals, studies and analysis for new employability and profits by putting knowledge at work, Good Practices exchange and Vocational Training piloting actions.
ASIA operates in the fields of Job Creation, Quality of Life, Safety at Work, Development of Tourism, Safety and Security, Rural Environment and Agriculture Sustainability, Quality Systems Management and Training, Employment's needs Analysis, Competencies Evaluation, Knowledge Transfer, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) applications and Active Citizenship.
ASIA Onlus has participated to the campaign "Ambienti di lavoro sani e sicuri 2012-13 "Lavoriamo insieme per la prevenzione dei rischi" of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) -
ASIA has been involved also in a starting experiences in the field of Open Education by developing a short handbook for safety and health on workplaces.
ASIA Onlus has 2 operative offices: in Campobasso (Cb), and in Sessano del Molise (Is) for VET.
ASIA Onlus cooperates with Public and Private Organisations, Authorities and Universities, and other Cultural and Training Organisations of interest.
The ASIA's Quality Management System is certified ISO 9001 from 2002 within sector 37 "Education".
ASIA Onlus operates on co-founded projects under specific UE programs (LLP, Leonardo da Vinci, EQUAL, ESF) as well as under others national and/or local founds.
In the 2006 ASIA with the Leonardo Project I.F.D. (Instructor for Driving) has been awarded with others Partners by the "Helsinki Award" for V.Q.T.S., Vocational Qualification Transfer System, for excellent practice in addressing the priorities of the Copenhagen process and promoting an enhanced European co-operation in vocational education and training.
From 2007 ASIA has been officially included with the code 58352WPU (D.P.R. n. 382 of the 11/July/1980) in the "Anagrafe Nazionale Ricerche" (National Register for Research of the Italian Ministry for University and Research).
ASIA Onlus is promoting partner in the Rural Development field because is official Member of the LAG (Local Action Group) Consortium ASVIR, grouping 18 Public and Privates Enterprises, Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Regional Agency for Rural Development and Innovation, and Authorities, more than Province and 50 Municipalities operating on the EU LEADER Program.
From 2009 ASIA has been accredited in Italy also by "Fondo Professioni" for Lifelong Learning.
