
En France, près d’une personne sur cinq tuées dans les accidents de la route a entre 18 et 24 ans. Cette tranche d’âge ne représente seulement que 8 % de la population. Au niveau national et international, les accidents de la route correspondent à la première cause de mortalité chez les jeunes.
Afin de sensibiliser sur cette cause, la Fondation VINCI Autoroutes a réalisé une étude sociologique dans le cadre du programme de recherche sur la prévention des risques chez les jeunes conducteur et a par la suite réalisé une campagne digitale intitulée « Les jeunes au volant ». Cette opération avait pour objectif d’examiner le rapport des jeunes à la conduite et à l’automobile.
Le principal objectif de cette campagne est d’avant tout sensibiliser les jeunes âgés de 18 à 25 ans aux différents risques routiers.
A 2018 report from the World Health Organization (WHO) found that the number of road casualties continues to rise, reaching 1.35 million per year. Road crashes have become the main cause of death for children and young people aged 5 to 29. And more than half of road accident victims are vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, etc. The probability of dying in a road crash also remains three times higher in low-income countries than in high-income countries, mainly due to a lack of regulations and infrastructures, as well as vehicle standards or first aid efficiency. Faced with these staggering figures, the association Prévention Routière and its partner, the Group Renault Corporate Foundation, have decided to act, by creating the first universal platform intended for all audiences. The Road4us platform aims to raise users' awareness of road hazards, as well as the proper behaviours to adopt to move safely. To accommodate all type of audiences, these prevention messages are spread in the form of simple and entertaining illustrations, designed for everyone. The overall objectives are to reduce road accidents and deaths worldwide, to make road prevention content available to as many people as possible, and to be universal and multilingual. As an initiative with a universal scope, the project targets all road users and aspires to be understood by people from all nationalities and culture, children and adults, illiterate, and literate. This project also offers free resources to print (in both colors and black & white) or to download online to all organizations involved in road safety around the world.

New member spotlight - Arkopharma Laboratoires


What does your organisation do?


Born in 1980 in the Maritime Alps thanks to a passion for medicinal plants, Arkopharma laboratories aim to share the benefits of this natural medicine with the greatest number and thus make natural medicine, the medicine of tomorrow.


Reasons for joining the Charter including any specific commitments.


14 April 2014 00:00 – 17 April 2014 00:00
CNIT in La Défense
4 December 2014 23:00
la Maison de l’Europe de Paris
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