
Project of American College Arcus “Traffic and romance – love your town!”

“Traffic and romance – love your town”

Our road safety initiative, which is part of the Road Safety European contest, goes under the slogan “Traffic and romance – love your town.”

It was triggered by the invitation we had received to take part in the European campaign.

Competition Road safety for children from preparatory classes to kindergarten / kindergarten and half-day preparatory classes a

• Organisers Over the past 11 years in May in Pazardzhik organized competition Safety Traffic children preparatory groups. This year the competition was hosted Kindergarten "Kalina Malina" with partners Municipality of Pazardzhik - Directorate "Education and culture"; Regional Inspectorate of Education – Pazardzhik • Goal Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the regulated and unregulated situations in traffic safety culture and behavior of children in the preparatory fourth groups, adapting to the social environment, interacting and cooperating with the surrounding.

Road Safety Week 2019 in Sofia, Varna and Burgas

Road Safety Institute (RSI), as an exclusive representative for Bulgaria of VOGEL- Germany, with the assistance of company Kontrax Ltd., starts for a first time in Bulgaria- Road Safety Weeks. They will happen in Sofia, Varna and Burgas during summer season in order to increase awareness to the driver's education as crucial part of the road safety in Bulgaria. Only by education, change of the environment and prevention we could stop Bulgaria's bad results in traffic deaths and injuries.

11 June 2014 08:30 – 14:00
University of National and World Economy
11 June 2014 00:00
University of National and World Economy
9 September 2014 00:00
The European Commission Representation in Bulgaria Rakovski Street 124
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