“Traffic and romance – love your town”
Our road safety initiative, which is part of the Road Safety European contest, goes under the slogan “Traffic and romance – love your town.”
It was triggered by the invitation we had received to take part in the European campaign.
Students teamed up to draft an original platform on road safety with the help of three teachers. For the purpose of project’s sustainable development, the Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Municipality, Daniel Panov, and the Head of the regional office of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rozaliya Licheva, were invited to join in as partners.
A multimedia disc was made with presentations on road safety in the old part of town featuring the issue: “A pedestrian today, a young driver tomorrow.”
Make the presentations and the film that can be viewed in the online website (http://road-safety.co.nf).
The disc has been distributed around the schools in Veliko Tarnovo.
The students shot a film about road safety in the old part of Veliko Tarnovo with the purpose of urging authorities to take action to imrove parking conditions and traffic of people and vehicles.
Overall, through this ambitious undertaking, we would like to show that young people in Veliko Tarnovo love their town and care about its future. We also wish to raise awareness amidst local community and urge other students to consider road safety problems.
Every year thousands of people become victims of car accidents. We believe that we have done our share in improving traffic conditions.