Road Safety Institute (RSI), as an exclusive representative for Bulgaria of VOGEL- Germany, with the assistance of company Kontrax Ltd., starts for a first time in Bulgaria- Road Safety Weeks. They will happen in Sofia, Varna and Burgas during summer season in order to increase awareness to the driver's education as crucial part of the road safety in Bulgaria. Only by education, change of the environment and prevention we could stop Bulgaria's bad results in traffic deaths and injuries. That's why RSI starts a campaign, showing the most innovative invention of the training driver simulators- VOGEL Simulators Class B. Every visitor of the exhibitions can try its voice assistant in real time driving, artificial intelligence, modern LCD visualization and and will be offered to try one of 7 modules- from beginner's stance to overtaking and movement on highways. There are more than 1100 simulators of that type in Germany and only on them 330, 000 virtual hours were taken i 2018. German authorities claim results are amazing- 7% better success on theory exams and more than 25 % on practice.
Road Safety Week will start on Monday, 8th of July, from 10:30АМ on the entry level of The Mall, Sofia.
Event will be honored by Mrs. Denitsa Sacheva, deputy minister of education, Mr. Doncho Barbalov, deputy mayor of transport, Mr Boyko Ranovski, CEO of Executive Agency "Automobile Administration", representatives from Traffic Police and State Agency "Road Safety".
Target Audience