Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

Campaña de Seguridad Vial a golpe de “Christmas”/Tarjetas Navideñas”
“Conduce la Navidad, Conduce tu Vida”
Campaña enfocada a las Fiestas…

STIVO’S ROAD SAFETY EDUCATION In the framework of our corporate social responsibility, STIVO has developed citizenship and road safety education plans toward civil society and especially young…

Taller de Seguridad Vial para jóvenes de Bachillerato, desarrollado por el Ayuntamiento de Puente Genil a través de la Policía Local, en todos los Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria de la…

It is a tradition in our school that first-graders take “The Exemplary Pedestrian Exam” in September. This year 115 pupils took this exam. Policemen, who had been invited to this event, instructed…

В ролята си на учители за нас е изключително важно децата да получат знания и умения, за да се справят в света около себе си, за да са лесно приспособими към променящата се среда. Първостепенна…