Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

EN BICICLETA POR MI CIUDAD. En una actividad práctica en la vía pública, donde escolares, acompañados de la policía local de su ciudad, circulan por el carril bici, por vías de sentido único y de…

The webinar on Evaluation of Road Safety actions was held on Monday 2 March and followed by 45 participants. Susanne Lindahl introduced the subject by putting stress on the need for monitoring and…

ANVU ha iniziato da anni una campagna permanente sulla sicurezza stradale denominata "Pensa alla vita... guida con la testa!!!". Oggi ha pensato di realizzare in proprio un video la cui…

Working together with our colleagues in FEVR and in the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety & Road Victims -advocating for Road Victims - working to reduce road dangers - working to…

S.A.M.E Academy has been designed to educate, young, novice and the next generation of drivers around the importance of road safety. This innovative organisation aims to contribute dramatically to…