The European Road Safety Charter workshop took place on 26th September 2019 in Riga, at the EU House of Latvia.
The workshop gathered national and local authorities’ representatives, public stakeholders and the civil society. The presentation addressed the road safety situation in the country, as well as examples of best practice in improving the safety of road users.
The workshop was opened by the welcome speech of Mr. Andris Kužnieks – Acting Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia. He delivered the presentation “Europe’s Vision on Road Safety” and fully explained current road safety objectives and current road safety statistics.
Mr. Manos Brouzas on behalf of European Road Safety Charter Team, delivered the presentation under title “European Road Safety Charter: new strategy and implementation of road safety commitments”. He described in details the ERSCharter: objectives, functionality, methodology, members and how to join.
At the second part of the seminar Ms. Aglaia Vourda on behalf of European Road Safety Charter Team, described “How to implement a successful road safety commitments and good practice examples from other EU countries”. She explained which criteria should be met in order to accomplish a successful example/good practice and take part at the Excellence in Road Safety Awards.
For Latvian Automotive Club Mr. Nils Josts gave his presentation entitled “LAMB par drošu satiksmi!!!” outlining good practices performed in Latvia by LAMB and for Pilseta Cilvekiem Mr. Maris Jonovs carried out his speech and illustrated good examples of activities fulfilled by its civil organization. The presentations were followed by an animated discussion on the future challenges for road safety.