Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

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Friday, May 13, 2022
Friday, May 13, 2022
Distraction is a serious issue, especially for teenagers.

Many of our students come to school in the morning with headphones, which are connected to a cell phone or other device. Many of them also ride their bicycles, wearing headphones. In addition, we had a discussion with some of them about whether they feel safe and secure when they come to school... Our school has students with learning difficulties, with ADHD, but also students on the autism spectrum.

The pedagogical goals of the program for students were:
Give the opportunity to express themselves artistically, creating digital videos and / or through web2.00 and web3.00 tools,
Get acquainted with the "language" of cinematic narration,
To acquire traffic education and road safety skills,
To become judges, researchers and environmental researchers,
To raise awareness on Road Safety issues,
Understand the relationship between road safety and the universal right to life, health and personal safety,
To understand through the diptych "Responsible user of the road network - responsible citizen" that road safety and the improvement of road conditions is a common responsibility of all of us,
To be consistent in the planning of a task and responsibility for its implementation,
To have the opportunity to express opinions and develop critical thinking through the language code,
To develop social skills (cooperation, teamwork, participation, negotiation, respect, responsibility)
Bewegungsspiel 1, 2 oder 3
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Immer noch verunglücken die meisten Kinder als Mitfahrende im zumeist elterlichen Pkw – und nicht etwa beim Radfahren oder Zufußgehen. Vielen Erwachsenen ist auch nach 25 Jahren Kindersicherungspflicht nicht klar, warum und wovor sie ihr Kind im Auto schützen müssen, wie aktuelle passive Schutzsysteme funktionieren und anzuwenden sind. Zwar liegt die Sicherungsquote von Kindern als Fahrzeugpassagiere in Österreich bei weit über 90 Prozent, mit zunehmendem Alter steigt für Kinder jedoch das Risiko, unzureichend oder gar nicht gesichert im Auto mitzufahren. Untersuchungen zum Fehlgebrauch von Kindersitzen verweisen auf eine Misuse-Rate von über 50 %. Damit offenbaren die theoretisch möglichen Sicherungsmaßnahmen eine gravierende Schwachstelle: Den Faktor Mensch. Das beste Kinderrückhaltesystem hilfts nichts, wenn es nicht korrekt montiert, richtig verwendet und konsequent benutzt wird.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Motorcycle crashes account for a disproportionate number of motor vehicle deaths and injuries in the EU and worldwide. Motorcycle helmet use can lead to an estimated 42% reduction in risk for fatal injuries and a 69% reduction in risk for head injuries. Therefore encouraging the use of helmets of motorcycle riders can help reduce dramatically the number of fatal injuries.