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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


Towards safer transport of goods and passengers in Europe. The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published a new report with highlights on improvements in goods and passenger transport fatalities.The report contents are: Collisions involving heavy goods vehicles - Collisions…
Liikenneturvalta uusi Lapsi liikenteessä – Esite liikennekasvatuksen tueksi Liikenneturvan uusi Lapsi liikenteessä -esite on suunnattu pienten lasten vanhemmille ja lapsiperheiden kanssa työskenteleville. Esite havainnollistaa runsaiden ja selkeiden esimerkkien avulla, kuinka ottaa…
The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated the preparation of this manual about Pedestrian safety togheter with FIA Foundation, Global Road Safety Partenership and The World Bank.
Here is the winner of the Global road safety film festival 2013. The title of the film is "Rétrospective" and comes from Vietnam.
10 essential tips for drivers created by Arval, the UK..