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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


Nato principalmente per far capire ai giovani che la vita e' un dono prezioso, e bisogna averne cura.. I punti chiave del corto/film sono 3. 1) Sicurezza in primis.. Mettersi il casco,  allacciarsi la cintura in auto.. Non usare cellulari..ecc 2) Capire che una distrazione anche minima possa…
Short and synthetic document presenting the “Road safety trends, statistics and challenges in the EU 2011-2012”. Based on data from the EU road accident database (CARE), presenting the first provisional figures reported for 2012, it provides an overview of the latest road safety data and the main…
The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinated the preparation of this manual about Pedestrian safety togheter with FIA Foundation, Global Road Safety Partenership and The World Bank.
The second good practice manual, on drinking and driving, was launched by the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) ahead of the UN Road Safety Week. Available in EN, ES and PT.
Former F1 star David Coulthard stars in a new advert promoting safe driving on country roads. The Road Safety Scotland campaign which was launched by Transport Minister Keith Brown shows Coulthard giving a step by step explanation of good driving practice.