DES primary school

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DES primary school

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DES is a private school located in a very nice located suburb of Athens, near the sea, named Varkiza. The bilingual kindergarten is located I the center of the town of Varkiza and host140 students and 12 teachers. The elementary school is located in a nearby hill, in an area of 20 acres and host 40 students and 15 teachers.
Dr. Billie Konstantara – Riga, DES founder, has for fourteen years propose a differential educational approach based on the theory of “Multiple Intelligences”, developed by Howard Gardner. This perspective has been widely adopted and our kids are happy, creative and curiosity driven to explore and learn.
In DES, lessons are being taught in Greek and either in English or German. Our kindergarten has been accredited by the German Embassy in Athens as one of the ideal schools for German speaking children. The elementary school is a sustainable school, with many environmental projects. In our school premises we have stables with donkeys, chicken farm and bunnies.
DES educational approach is unique since in the basic program a student even from the first grade can learn sailing, literature and arts, music, coding and STEM.
