On December 5-6th road safety experts from different European countries have gathered in Vilnius to participate in the conference organized by the Lithuanian-Swedish Academy together with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. “Vision Zero for Sustainable Road Safety in Baltic Sea Region” focused on road safety as a major social safety issue and highlighted the importance of cooperation between Sweden, Norway and Lithuania as a tool which tackles current problems in road safety.
Speakers and experts from different countries presented their views on various road safety issues and shared current actions and future’s plans which could largely impact current tendencies in Lithuania, as well as in other Baltic countries.
Three different major topics were discussed during two-day active discussion panels and presentations. Most of them revolved around Vision Zero and its implementation in Baltic and Nordic countries. Experts from these countries presented their results since the commitment to the strategy, discussed current challenges and possible obstacles in the near future.
Matthew Baldwin, the Deputy Director of DG MOVE at the European Commission, has expressed support for the actions which are currently taken by Baltic governments, NGO’s and road safety authorities. Encouraging words and suggestions for the future have been shared by Swedish and Norwegian authorities, European Transport Safety Council experts.
Lithuanian Transport Safety Authority also had its representatives in the conference who actively participated in various discussion panels during the conference. Being deeply invested in Vision Zero strategy has proven to bring positive results in the past years and LTSA is hoping that current situation will keep improving in the future.
Representatives from LTSA had a chance to discuss the challenges of Vision Zero with its starters and experts from Norway and Sweden. As the Nordic countries already pose experience on many questions related to the strategy, LTSA is looking for ways and opportunities to learn from Nordic neighbors.
A conference like this provided a great chance to gather many different experts from Europe and became a great platform which connected many different ideas with the same goal of improving road safety situation in Lithuania and across the Europe.
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