Road safety education to young people aged 14 - 21 throughout thr United Kingdom

S.A.M.E Academy has been designed to educate, young, novice and the next generation of drivers around the importance of road safety. This innovative organisation aims to contribute dramatically to reducing the instances of road traffic accidents and driving related crimes in the UK, within young people (14-21 years old). As you may know, young drivers are the most at risk road user with more than 2 of every 5 deaths involving a young drive. Driving is an extremely popular topic within young people, a life skill, and we believe no matter the barriers new drivers are faced with whilst attempting to access motoring, they are still making it onto the roads with approximately 1.3 million them taking their driving tests each year. Our unique academy consists of a programme and interactive workshops & seminars designed to develop the mind sets and attitudes of young drivers and passengers (separate to the novice factor), highlight the key causes of road traffic collisions as well as providing the awareness needed to spot hazardous situations applicable to the young and new driver. The seminar typically last approximately an hour with the programme consisting of 4 sessions typically lasting 50 minutes each.

Target Audience

