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Explore our resources below including projects, documents, presentations, videos and more, all focused on improving road safety. 


Congratulations to Axencia Galega de Infraestruturas for their 'Alternative Mobility Strategy' initiative. Many routes connecting interurban areas with schools, health centres, and public facilities are designed primarily for motorised vehicles, making them unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists. 
Congratulations to Commune di Bologna for their 'Bologna Città 30' initiative. In Italy, 73% of road crashes occur on urban roads, with Bologna experiencing the third highest road death rate among the country’s fourteen largest cities. 
Congratulations to the 'special road markings on bends' initiative from KFV. Research has shown that motorcycle riders often ride too close to the centre line on left-hand bends, especially when poor visibility increases the risk of collisions and loss of control. 
Advancements in technology and innovation are key to the future of road safety. This award celebrates groundbreaking solutions that enhance safety, from smart vehicles to innovative traffic management systems, driving progress towards safer roads for all. Read more here 
In 2023, more than 7,752 people lost their lives on urban roads. Cities, municipalities, and regional authorities play a key role in developing actions to decrease this number drastically. This award celebrates the outstanding and innovative achievements of local authorities in Europe. Read…