Good practices

Our members are dedicated to improving road safety and sharing their knowledge with the wider community. Here, you can explore our members' good practices – initiatives that have been assessed for their effectiveness in addressing a road safety problem and have proven results. 

Get inspired – and sign up to share your good practices too! 


Mit einer Flottengröße von über 2600 Fahrradkurier*innen nimmt foodora die Sicherheit sowohl der Rider als auch aller anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer*innen, die mit foodora Ridern in Kontakt kommen, sehr ernst. Das Ausliefern von Speisen, Lebensmitteln und Waren des täglichen Bedarfs auf großteils Fahrrädern und im urbanen Straßenverkehr erfordert gute Kenntnisse der Verkehrsregeln. foodora arbeitet mit Ridern aus insgesamt 96 verschiedenen Nationen zusammen. Oberstes Ziel der Initiative "foodora Rider Safety" ist es, sie sicher in den Straßenverkehr zu integrieren.
In Europe, the application of Victims’ Rights Directive has been very disappointing for victims of road crashes, since a very small percentage has benefited from the Victim’s Statute. One of the reasons is the lack of recognition of victims of road crashes as victims of a crime, even though most of the time it is the result of assaults in traffic as a result of illicit, reckless and illegal conduct.

That is why we want to remind that road crash victims are also victims of violent acts that fall within the criminal sphere and that road violence causes deaths and injuries with lifelong consequences and must be protected by the Victims’ Rights Directive.
1. Right-hand priority rule
1.1 Safety
1.2 Fluidity
2. The roundabout
3. Parking
3.1. The parking parallel to the axis of the road
3.2. The parking perpendicular to the axis of the road
3.3. The oblique parking on the axis of the road
3.3.1 The parking at a sharp angle to the axis of the road
3.3.2 Parking at an obtuse angle to the road axis
4. Crosswalks: safety, fluidity, slow speed
4.1 The danger when crossing the street
4.2 Intersection blocking
4.3 Intermittent blocking
4.4 The impossibility of applying visible markings
4.5 Geometry of crosswalks, solution for excessive speed
5. Vehicle lights
5.1 The third brake light
5.2 Lights
5.3 Horizontal daytime or position lights
5.4 Signal lights
5.5 The surface and luminous intensity
5.6 Emergency lights
6. Entry and exit lanes, in and out of the highway
6.1 Length of acceleration and deceleration lanes
6.2 Common acceleration/deceleration lanes
7. Road markings and reflective elements
7.1 STOP and Yield markings
7.2 The reflectivity of markings
8. The devices with dispaly inside the cars
9. European technical inspection
10. European vehicle card
11. Final conclusions
- Reducir el riesgo de los trabajadores en carretera a través de una baliza incorporada al cono, para mejorar su visibilidad, especialmente por la noche y en momentos de baja luz.
- Dar información a los usuarios para prevenir la presencia de obras en la carretera, mediante apps y navegadores.
- Mejorar el trámite con las autoridades de gestión del tráfico, informando a tiempo real de dónde se están haciendo los trabajos de conservación y mantenimiento de carreteras.
- Tener datos de gestión de obras, como un mapa de actuaciones, horas de trabajo, zonas de obras...
The main purpose of the project is to unite communities and professionals from different areas of activity with the aim of reaffirming each person's right to safe journeys. The central message of this campaign is that every life matters on the road.