Primary school teachers took an electric scooter course.

Elementary school teachers took an electric scooter course. There were two occasions for that. The first was Global Road Safety Week - #RethinkMobility. The second was the changes prepared by the Ministry of Education; The changes will take effect from the new school year. The electric scooter course is a supplement to the theoretical part, which took place in April. The course also has a third goal: to adjusted to the devices used by students. Teachers, especially 50+, are afraid of technical innovations used by teens. A good teacher not only knows what a scooter is, not only knows the regulations. A good teacher knows how to use it, is not afraid to learn, can respond to changes. This is important, because a teacher is a guide for the young generation.

We met such teachers at Tor Modlin. Many of them have never ridden a scooter. We had to start by learning to move. The teachers quickly got the hang of it. The instructors did not have to wait long to move on to more difficult figures. Such a figure was signaling a change in the direction of movement, which required a sense of balance. Then the teachers practiced the "figures of eight" - precise vehicle control, throttle, brake and balance. This is a mandatory part of the children's bicycle driving license exam. A smile on their faces proved that the course brought satisfaction. New skills will allow you to gain confidence before the new school year, before new challenges.

The partner of the course was Bolt Poland, which provided equipment and driving instructors. Each of the teachers got a helmet, which is not obligatory, but recommended. The partner of the entire project is the Education Office of the Capital City of of Warsaw.

Target Audience

