CONTRALCO, world's #1 manufacturer of reliable single-use alcohol breathalyzers since 1982, develops in addition to alcohol tests, a whole line of innovative road safety tools to improve road safety education awareness.Since June 2013 the company has been the only company in the entire world to hold the new NF mark certification, requiring single-use breathalyzers manufacturers to manufacture alcohol tests with 0% defects. Every day, the company commits its activities to the improvement of road safety tools through its consistant research and development of new products for schools, associations, NGOs, government institutions, as well as companies reaching every day consumers. CONTRALCO supports collaboration between social society and the private sector, it is conscious of the limited budget that face international associations and organisations.By sharing new tool ideas with road safety experts, donating and participating to several international road safety events organized by social society, the company is very much engaged in the fight against road insecurity. CONTRALCO's 2014 moto: "Innovation for Prevention".
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