Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


The LIVES project evaluation report represents an independent overview of what iRED and its partners managed to develop in South Eastern Europe for the past 18 months, covering Bulgaria, Hungary,…

L'Associazione per la Sicurezza Stradale LIFE ONLUS nasce dall'esigenza di porre fine al bagno di sangue sulle nostre strade. Life Onlus si propone di promuovere azioni di informazione,…

Miguel de Cervantes Public Primary School is located in the La Calzada district of the city of Gijón. The learning community is comprised of working class families with a high unemployment rate,…

Our school materializes a programme about safe cycling. The goals of the project are the students to learn about the safety use of bicycles and the benefits of cycling. Especially, the goals of…

Empezamos 2016 igual que acabamos 2015, llevando la información de la Seguridad Vial a las familias y colectivos que nos lo pidan. 

Así, el próximo día 16 de Enero estaremos en el…