The longest celebration of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week.

The last act of celebration of the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week has ended. Our project lasted 9 months, divided into 5 stages. First: children from school No. 285 painted pictures in a car showroom during winter break (February 2023). Second: creation of the Volvo Selekt Art Gallery during the UN Global Road Safety Week - buyers of used cars could buy one of the paintings. Third: a fund was created from the sale of paintings, we collected EUR 1,300. Fourth: we bought 4 bicycles, helmets and lighting to equip the "road safety room" at Primary School No. 285. Stage 5, the last: we donated bicycles and equipment to the school (October 2023).

Surprise: the buyers of the paintings donated them to the school.

The initiator of the project was the "Volvo Autogala" car showroom in Warsaw. The contractor was the "Roads of Mazovia" Foundation.

Look at the film:


Volvo Selekt Art Gallery
