The Danish Transport and Logistics Association has developed a brand-new road safety campaign together with several partners: Applus+ Automotive, Circle K Danmark, Danske Fragtmænd A/S, 3F - United Federation of Workers in Denmark, If Insurances and Volvo Trucks.
The campaign has been designed based on the partners' wish that the business world contributes to traffic safety on Danish roads and cycle paths. Every year, for example, thousands of cyclists in Denmark are injured in traffic.
According to new figures from the researchers, the risk of being seriously injured or losing your life on a bicycle has increased since 2016, while the risk for virtually all other road users has decreased.
Cyclists and pedestrians encounter trucks in many different situations. This ranges from overtaking on the country road, to e.g. reversing and right-hand turns in urban areas.
Not many are allowed to drive a truck and thus experience the respect that should be shown to the trucks and the understanding that can arise for the driver's working conditions.
The goal for the campaign is therefore to get young people to pay more attention to trucks and to their own behavior in traffic.
The framework for the campaign is a series of short film messages for young people between the ages of 13-16, which can make visible the power and challenges of lorries in traffic. Per On 1 January 2024, the target group is 275,298 people (Denmark's population is 6 million).
The partners wanted to convey the messages through two selected young influencers, who the young people are sure to be interested in and listen to. They were already known to most young people from YouTube, podcast and Danish national TV.
In an educational, but at the same time humorous, way, the influencers provide the young people with useful knowledge about the movement around a truck and the working conditions in the cab.
A video series of five episodes has been produced for social media, as the partners have several road safety messages they want to highlight.
The campaign premiered at Denmark's largest transport fair; it was shown to young students from the surrounding schools.
After this, the campaign in year 1 (2023) has been run over 6 weeks on social media as an "awareness" campaign for 13-16-year-olds throughout Denmark through video views and reach on social media.
The films were shown on YouTube (988,213 exposures), TikTok (6,370,590 exposures) and Facebook/Instagram (1,983,195 exposures).
In year 2 (2024), the campaign will be run in a similar way on TikTok, SnapChat and YouTube over a 5-week period.
The partners are currently working on a development of the campaign in year 3 (2025). The campaign will be aimed at schools and associations (sports clubs, leisure facilities, etc.) where the target group goes. At the same time, the new development will be aimed directly at the target group via social media.
Target Audience