Analysis of the available sight distance with a proposal for measures to eliminate deficiencies

Initiative details

Analysis of available sight distance (ASD) and its comparison with the required, passing(overtaking) or any other type of sight distance, is a key activity for adequate road designing, speed management, road safety inspection and road maintenance. Obligations related to this activity arise from road design norms and manuals. However, in the engineering practice so far, the analysis of available sight distance was either inadequately treated or completely omitted. The reason for such a thing lies in the fact that there were no appropriate tools for effective and safe measuring of ASD.

Searching for solution, we at ''Panpro Team'' d.o.o. have developed innovative software for measuring of available sight distance based on analysis of virtual driver view moving through the cloud of points, recorded by modern mobile laser(lidar's) equipment.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Policy makers
Public authorities
Car drivers


Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details

Panpro Team doo

Contact name

MiĊĦel Sabo

Telephone number


Website link

Project activities

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

A detailed description of the activities we carried out are described in the Elaborate, which is attached to this application, and in abbreviated form, these activities refer to the following:
- scanning of the road and its surroundings with modern laser equipment and creation of georeferenced cloud of points;
- measurement of the available sight distances based on the analysis of the view of the virtual driver moving through the cloud of points, using our special developed software solution;
- analysis of existing-posted speed limits and their corrections;
- comparison of the available sight distances with the required and passing(overtaking) one, and determination of deficiencies;
- correction of permitted overtaking zones;
- creation of layout plans with sight distance lines and their envelopes
- definition of short-term and long-term measures to eliminate deficiencies;
- definition of proposals for changes in legal and by-law regulations;

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

No external partners


What has been the effect of the activities?

On the basis of the short-term measures defined in our Elaborate, we carried out a Traffic Signal Correction Project. The project in question was delivered to the road manager (Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia) for further implementation.

A longer period of time is needed to obtain measurable results in terms of reducing the number of traffic accidents, while the improvement of conditions and user satisfaction can be achieved immediately after the road manager fully implements all the measures defined by our study.

Also, on the basis of data on traffic accidents taken from the official database of the Traffic Safety Agency in Serbia, we performed a subsequent analysis of their spatial distribution along the route processed by Elaborate and determined significant accumulations in zones registered as problematic in terms of sight distances. This analysis is also attached to this application and will be presented at upcoming congresses in Serbia, dedicated to roads and traffic safety.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

Thanks to the specialized software that we developed, we performed a detailed analysis of the available sight distances, compared it with the required and passing one, and identified a large number of deficiencies, which can have a major impact on the occurrence of traffic accidents.

As part of our Elaborate, we have defined short-term and long-term measures, the implementation of which will eliminate the impact of inadequate visibility on the occurrence of traffic accidents.

Also, by creating maps with sight lines and their envelopes, we have defined the clear boundaries of road maintenance within which all obstacles to sight distance must be removed.

Our intention is to create a WEB application through which users around the world will be able to measure available visibility based on point clouds that they will record themselves.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

We have presented our specialized software for measuring available sight distances, but also the importance of comparing available sight distances with required and passing(overtaking) one, at several professional congresses and seminars in the country and the surrounding area. Also, information about this we sheared on our WEB portal and on social networks such as LinkedIn and YouTube. Thanks to this, we established contacts with reputable experts from universities in Berlin, Zagreb, and the Traffic Safety Agency in Bulgaria, who expressed great interest and support for our innovation.

In the attachments of this application, we have have included the minutes from the presentation held at PE ''Roads of Serbia''.