15 March 2016 10:15 – 12:00
The Hall, St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat.
Susan Saliba, Health and Safety Teacher

On the 15th of March 2016, an activity was held at St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat, Malta, with the purpose of delivering information to the students about Road Safety in Malta as well as to involve them in constructive discussions about the topic. This activity was organised by the School’s Health and Safety teacher, Ms. Susan Saliba in collaboration with Mr. Alex Borġ, Secretary General and Board Member of ITS Malta and Mr. Pierre Vella, Consultant at the National Road Safety Council.
Speeches were delivered by Ms. Marita Abdilla, Head of School, the Hon. Mr. Joe Mizzi MP, Mr. Alex Borġ and Mr. Pierre Vella. The Principal of St. Nicholas College, Ms. Josie Mifsud, also attended the activity.
The above talk was the first of a series of activities related to Road Safety which St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat, is going to be holding during this scholastic year in order to take part in the European Commission’s Education in Road Safety Challenge 2015 which is being organised by the P.A.U. Education of Barcelona, Spain. The students will be producing essays, posters, crafts and slogans in English and Maltese about Road Safety and the best work in each category will be awarded with a prize. The members of the school’s Student Council will also be setting a number of rules which all the students and staff of St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat are to follow whenvever there is an educational outing or an activity outside the school premises.
This initiative is one of the first of its kind being organised in Malta and it is being received with great enthusiasm by all those involved.
Speakers: Ms. Marita Abdilla, Head of School
The Hon. Joe Mizzi MP
Mr. Alex Borġ, Secretary General and Board Member of ITS Malta
Mr. Pierre Vella, Consultant at the National Road Safety Council
Students participaiting in the disucssion: Kyle Camilleri, 7 Brussels, Maya Caruana, 7 Brussels, Emma Bondin, 8 Cairo, Liam Cortis, 8 Athens, Alvin Gauci, 8 Paris
Special Guests: Ms. Josie Mifsud, Principal, St. Nicholas College, Ms. Charmaine Craus
The students were very enthusiastic to take part in the discussion and were also very eager to be filmed and to see themselves in the evening news. Regarding the representatives of the Road Safety Charter who have contacted me up to now, they have been extremely helpful and showed much interest in our activities. Local representatives of transport authorities, like Pierre Vella of the National Road Safety Council and Alex Borġ of ITS Malta have backed me up all the way and will go on doing so until our project is completed. The Head of School, Ms. Marita Abdilla and my colleagues praised our effort and helped as well. Hopefully the students will go on working as they did up to now, i.e. giving their maximum and enjoying themselves at the same time.
Speeches were delivered by Ms. Marita Abdilla, Head of School, the Hon. Mr. Joe Mizzi MP, Mr. Alex Borġ and Mr. Pierre Vella. The Principal of St. Nicholas College, Ms. Josie Mifsud, also attended the activity.
The above talk was the first of a series of activities related to Road Safety which St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat, is going to be holding during this scholastic year in order to take part in the European Commission’s Education in Road Safety Challenge 2015 which is being organised by the P.A.U. Education of Barcelona, Spain. The students will be producing essays, posters, crafts and slogans in English and Maltese about Road Safety and the best work in each category will be awarded with a prize. The members of the school’s Student Council will also be setting a number of rules which all the students and staff of St. Nicholas College Middle School, Rabat are to follow whenvever there is an educational outing or an activity outside the school premises.
This initiative is one of the first of its kind being organised in Malta and it is being received with great enthusiasm by all those involved.
Speakers: Ms. Marita Abdilla, Head of School
The Hon. Joe Mizzi MP
Mr. Alex Borġ, Secretary General and Board Member of ITS Malta
Mr. Pierre Vella, Consultant at the National Road Safety Council
Students participaiting in the disucssion: Kyle Camilleri, 7 Brussels, Maya Caruana, 7 Brussels, Emma Bondin, 8 Cairo, Liam Cortis, 8 Athens, Alvin Gauci, 8 Paris
Special Guests: Ms. Josie Mifsud, Principal, St. Nicholas College, Ms. Charmaine Craus
The students were very enthusiastic to take part in the discussion and were also very eager to be filmed and to see themselves in the evening news. Regarding the representatives of the Road Safety Charter who have contacted me up to now, they have been extremely helpful and showed much interest in our activities. Local representatives of transport authorities, like Pierre Vella of the National Road Safety Council and Alex Borġ of ITS Malta have backed me up all the way and will go on doing so until our project is completed. The Head of School, Ms. Marita Abdilla and my colleagues praised our effort and helped as well. Hopefully the students will go on working as they did up to now, i.e. giving their maximum and enjoying themselves at the same time.