National campaign " Sleepiness at driving is a real danger!" social responsibility campaign

31 December 2014 23:00 – 30 December 2016 23:00
Bucuresti, Constanta, Bistrita


Association of Psychology and Road Safety PsihotrafIQ , represented by prof. Rus Mihaela,Phd. president and principal psychologist Simionca Ionel, vice president, conducted the campaign “Sleepiness at driving is a real danger!" in Bistrita Nasaud , Constanta and Bucharest.
The campaign aims to inform and responsible attitude in road traffic awareness by drivers and risk reduction of traffic accidents under tiredness.
During the three campaigns were divided over 20,000 promotional traffic participants in Bistrita, Constanta and Bucharest.
Relations with the media at Safety Association of Psychology and Road Safety PsihotrafIQ is coordinated Plus Communication , campaign with over 75,000 views with the local and national press.
The idea of the campaign started by the finding that fatigue is one of the main enemies of drivers, accounting for 30 percent of accidents in our country.
Factors that may influence the fatigue may be related to the driver (without rest, dehydration, eating poorly, drinking or drugs that cause drowsiness), automobile (excessive noise from the engine, excessive heat in the cockpit) or external conditions (conditions adverse weather, traffic congestion, the monotony of the road).


Insufficient rest is the main cause of fatigue. After four hours of driving observed a 75% reduction in the reaction time of the driver, according to a study of drivers exposed to "driving and fatigue". Eight out of ten drivers in this study responded that at least once in their lives, they felt fatigue while leading they car.

The first campaign took place in Bistrita Nasaud, being coordinated by principal psychologist in work, traffic and transportation psychology Ionel Simionca second campaign took place in Constanta being coordinated by principal psychologist in work, traffic and transportation psychology prof.Mihaela Rus,Phd., Ovidius University Constanta, Romania while the third campaign took place in Bucharest in partnership with the College of Psychologists of Romania.

The project partners were the institutions involved monitoring traffic accidents,Ambulance Services, Road Service within the police inspectorates, Community Polices, College of Psychologists of Romania.

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