FEVR - Fédération Européenne des Victimes de la Route

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FEVR - Fédération Européenne des Victimes de la Route

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FEVR is an umbrella organisation of over 24 national associations of road traffic victims, including families of those killed and disabled, and has links to similar associations worldwide
FEVR has UN consultative status and is represented at relevant working parties and meetings, in particular the UNECE Working Party1 on road safety and the UN/WHO Road Safety Collaboration Forum set up in 2004 (following the launch of their ‘World report on road traffic injury prevention’ on 7th April 2004.

FEVR was formally founded in Geneva in July 1991, by Marcel Haegi, (whose daughter was killed by a speeding driver) with the objectives to promote assistance to road victims at international level in Europe, work for prevention of crashes and strengthen contacts and collaboration between road victim associations from the various countries. Prof Marcel Haegi, founder and 1. president and founder of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims –sadly died in 2004. The Federations celebrated it's 25th anniversary in 2016.
