Stay informed with the latest developments in road safety across Europe and beyond through our news page. The news page provides coverage on key topics including policy changes, technological advancements, safety campaigns, and more.

This spotlight series is dedicated to showcasing the best practices shared by ERSC members. Each month, we will highlight a different member’s innovative road safety initiative. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to create a collaborative environment where others recognise, celebrate,…

Motorcycling is not only an efficient and cost-effective mode of transport, but also a leisure activity for many riders despite the risks they face as one of the most vulnerable road users. Although only representing, a fraction of the vehicles on the road, motorcyclists account for a…

We are thrilled to announce the finalists for our Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2024! We extend our sincere thanks to all the organisations that submitted applications this year. Our judging panel meticulously reviewed each entry and was inspired by the innovative approaches and unwavering…

This spotlight series is dedicated to showcasing the best practices shared by ERSC members. Each month, we will highlight a different member’s innovative road safety initiative. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to create a collaborative environment where lessons learned and best…

European Road Safety Charter member, the Roads of Mazovia Foundation, has launched an exciting and impactful fundraising initiative: the “The Warsaw-Paris Bike Rally”, taking place in the run up to the 2024 Summer Olympics. The project founder, Adam Sobiera, is aiming to cycle a total of…