This spotlight series is dedicated to showcasing the best practices shared by ERSC members. Each month, we will highlight a different member’s innovative road safety initiative. By highlighting these success stories, we aim to create a collaborative environment where others recognise, celebrate, and adopt lessons learned and best practices.
Our September spotlight features WingDriver in Portugal for its impactful driver monitoring system.
Why the WingDriver project has been recognised as Good Practice of the Month
As we prepare for European Mobility Week, from 16 to 22 September, it is fitting to commend this project which is advancing this year’s theme: Shared Public Space. WingDriver’s innovative solution not only enhances road safety by reducing accidents but also contributes to the broader objective of European Mobility Week – improving the quality of urban life and promoting people-centred infrastructure. By leveraging AI-driven technology to foster safer driving behaviours, WingDriver supports the creation of urban environments that prioritise the well-being and safety of all road users.
Key inspiration behind the WingDriver project
The inspiration behind the WingDriver project comes from the alarming fact that nearly 2 million crashes each year are caused by distracted or drowsy driving. WingDriver aims to tackle this issue head-on by using AI and smartphone technology to help keep drivers awake, alert, and focused, ultimately making our roads safer and reducing costs for everyone.
Core activities and outcomes
The app has been rolled out in the U.S. and EU, and has already achieved significant results, including up to an 80% reduction in distracted driving and collisions, and up to a 400% decrease in rear-end accidents compared to traditional methods.
For more information
Click here to read the full Good Practice by WingDriver and discover the activities and outcomes of the project in more detail.
If you are interested in implementing a similar initiative in your local authority or Member State, you can contact the WingDriver Co-Founder, André Azevedo, at André can provide further information or advice on the project, as necessary.
Explore all of our members’ Good Practices here. To submit your own Good Practice, please log in to your account and complete the form on this page.
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