Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


Giannoukas Driving School from Greece, in collaboration with the football team " Ajiax Taurou", organized a seminar with the aim of raising awareness in the field of road safety. The seminar was…

Our project talks about the real danger of daily route to the school of children. Also, children are often victims of car accidents while crossing streets or riding bikes. The project adresses to…

The Traffic Safety Association in cooperation with the Faculty of Traffic Sciences


Taller informativo de Seguridad Vial Infantil orientado a la seguridad de las embarazadas y a los sistemas de retención infantil , especialmente los sistemas de retención a contramarcha.

Il 7 maggio a Trieste si è svolto il test Drive gratuito per la #SicurezzaStradale insieme ai ragazzi neo patentati e patentandi delle scuole superiori.

L'Automobile Club Trieste, in…