Mr. Keshab Chandra Maharana & Mr. Pradip Kumar Das, Programme Coordinator of Women & Child Welfare Society (WCWS), At: Gamhandia New Colony,Po: Buxibazar,Cuttack-753001,State:Odisha [India] Surveyed as per Instruction Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary of WCWS At: Telugu Sahi Technical, Choudwar Municipalty Slum area, District. Cuttack, State: Odisha [India] on dated:19.03.2020 for open National Child Labour Project Special School as per NCLP Society, Cuttack vide Letter No.5(24)NCLP, date.05.03.2020 eradication of Child Labour and development his/her education, self-employment, capacity building etc.
Topic Discussion with local people: Road Safety, education, self-employment, capacity building for children and guardian. Odia Language published by WCWS on Corona Virus leaflet distributed to all people.