Smart Surveillance System / Real-time Monitoring System with Artificial Intellegence

Initiative details

The Real-time Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Camera System aims to prevent traffic accidents, driver distraction, driver fatigue, in-cab discipline to eliminate risky behaviors, and wrong driving habits with technologic assistance.

Initiative date


Who was/is your target audience?

Company employees
Lorry/truck drivers


Knowledge building and sharing
Create awareness
Education in school or in community organizations
Improve vehicles and infrastructure
Provide alternative solutions

Organisation details

Linde Gas Turkey

Contact name

Erdoğan Günaydın

Telephone number

+90 533 957 46 21

Website link

Project activities

If you work together with external partners, list the most important partners and briefly describe their role.

HED Akademi: Road Safety Consultancy of Linde Gaz Turkey Operation
Vodafone: Real-time Monitoring & AI Camera Systems
Mobilbil: Maintenance and after sales services for Camera System

Please describe the project activities you carried/are carrying out and the time period over which these were implemented.

Main catastrophic incidents occures due to the fatigue and or distraction related reasons. In this perspective operation managers/leaders needs to be able to perform instant monitoring (real-time) and intervention, if only with a accurate data source. This certainly requires a powerful infrastructure.

Since the project started in July 2021, more than 100 fatigue drivers have been stopped and driver-based actions have been taken for fatigue drivers. "Root Cause Analysis for fatigue driver" has been developed for the Driving Safety Procedure and more than 30 different root causes were identified. It was observed that the fatigue status of the drivers decreased by more than 60% with the actions taken.


What has been the effect of the activities?

Linde Gas Turkey dangerous goods transport operation coverages total of 8 facilities, more than 60+ city and 2000+ customer sites. Since the system was installed, more than 130 cases were prevented, more than 100 drivers were stopped due to fatigue, more than 550 wrong driving and behavior were detected between 2021-2022. On the other hand an average of 50.06 high potential incident cases are prevented each month.

Please briefly explain why your initiative is a good example of improving road safety.

According to E-Survey of Road Users Attitudes European road users most frequently perceive tired driving as a frequent crash cause (74%), with lower rates reported among road users in America (69%), Africa (67%) and Asia-Oceania (51%) and also in Turkey (65-70%) The system solves this problem high accuracy (99.9%) of the time.

How have you shared information about your project and its results?

All data and results were indicated internally with Linde Gas Global and it was decided to implement the system in ongoing Linde operations around the world.

Supporting materials