
Stay informed with the latest developments in road safety across Europe and beyond through our news page. The news page provides coverage on key topics including policy changes, technological advancements, safety campaigns, and more. 


On 20 April, the European Commission officially relaunched its European Road Safety Charter (Charter), the largest platform on road safety in civil society, to support the Vision Zero ambition of reducing road deaths to almost zero by 2050. The Charter was founded in 2004 by the Directorate-General…
The Italian article points out that the project was developed in the framework of the European Road Safety Charter
5. decembra 2017, je v Ljubljani potekal dogodek za spodbudo vseh udeležencev in organizacij k sprejetju zavez Evropske listine o varnosti cestnega prometa. Dogodek sta organizirala Agencija za varnost prometa kot nacionalni koordinator in Evropski svet za varnost prometa (ETSC) kot koordinator na…