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Vuelta Sports Office is dealing with safety cycling education since 2004, at first in primary schools with a bikeability track and giving lessons about safety cycling in the classrooms. In 2008 Vuelta Sports Office had been asked by the government commissioner for cycling to develop and implement as a pilot project a safety cycling educational program in Hungary, based on Western European best practices, focusing on practicing with the pupils, to improve their cycling skills. Until 2013 we have organized safety cycling courses in more than 60 primary schools.
In 2013 Vuelta Sports Office had been asked by the Office of Education of Hungary to develop the curriculum of an optional subject for primary schools in the field of safety cycling. The curriculum (called BringaAkadémia) has been certified in April 2013. In addition a training for trainers course has been developed for teachers bí Vuelta Sports Office, in order to prepare them for safety cycling education. The curriculum consists both of theoretical and practical knowledge.
From 2015 till 2018 we have been running an Erasmus+ project with a Romanian, an Austrian and a Dutch partner to improve our curriculum and professional skills, getting acquainted with safety cycling educational programs of the project partners and the trends in cycling also to have more experience about the whole issue. The project has resulted educational materials for teachers (Safe4Cycle Mentors’ Handbook), and for children (Safe4Cycle Workbook).
In August 2017 a task force has been formed of the Institute for Transport Sciences (KTI), the Commission on Prevention of Accidents of the Hungarian Police (ORFK-OBB), the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club and Vuelta SA to complete the Workbook and the Mentors’ Handbook with the rules for pedestrians. The completed Safe4Cycle Workbook was delivered to all the 4th and 5th class students in November 2018 (all together 200 000 copies).
We are working hard to facilitate the adaptation a well functioning safety cycling educational system (like the Austrian, the Czech or the Slovenian) in Hungary in order to every children may learn safety cycling in the primary schools, and even to take some kind of (at least) theoretical exam.
