Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

International driver training specialist . Delivering road safety to schools and on road risk assessments to companies to improve driver abilities. Delivering training in cars,buses and lorries.…

Hemos celebrado una jornada de formación gratuita en Seguridad Vial Laboral en el Instituto Cervantes sobre la prevención, concienciación y la importancia de la educación en torno a la Seguridad…

We have place photos of our loved ones who were killed on the roads in white photo frames. The number of frames indicative of the numbers killed in one year. Numbers mean nothing to people but…

Der Verein "DocStop für Europäer e. V." wurde 2007 ins Leben gerufen, um in- und ausländische Lkw-Fahrer mit einer professionellen und unkomplizierten medizinischen Unterwegsversorgung zu…

The pilot project financed from Norway grants was realised between years 2015-2016. "Live to see twenty" project was realised due to cooperation of many state, non-profit, firm organisations,…