Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects, technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem.

Llevar una velocidad adecuada podría evitar prácticamente una cuarta parte de los muertos en accidente de tráfico.
En el 29% de los…

Taller de Seguridad Vial enfocado a los sistemas de retención infantiles y a la embarazada y su seguridad vial.
Viernes 27 Julio en el centor de Salud de Carrizal /Ingenio (Las Palmas)

Summer is coming, and with summer comes increased dangers in roads or railways. There are more children playing outside, drivers and passengers think about long-waited holidays and are prone to…

The European Road Safety Charter workshop took place on Tuesday, 29 May 2018, at the Swedish Waterfront Congress Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.
The event was opened by Mr. Lars Olov Sjöström…

In its business operations, Compensa emphasises popularisation of both behaviours increasing safety on roads, as well as activities aimed at dissemination of knowledge with regard to first aid and…