Members' activities

Below, you will find the latest activities from our members. These could be campaigns, projects,  technology developments, innovations or any activity striving to improve road safety. These activities have not yet been assessed for effectiveness in addressing the problem. 


Première auto-école en ligne de France. Nous formons les conducteurs responsables de demain.

Fondata nel 2011, Safety21 rappresenta oggi un Gruppo di aziende in grado di rispondere, attraverso soluzioni tecnologiche avanzate, ai più alti standard di servizio, consentendo alle Pubbliche…

LOS SRI SON EL MEJOR SEGURO DE VIDA DEL NIÑO. Un niño sin sujeción multiplica por 5 las posibilidades de sufrir lesiones mortales o graves. Nueve de cada diez lesiones infantiles graves o mortales…

Las actividades se desarrollaron conjuntamente entre esta Delegación PMSV en Valladolid, Rivekids, y las delegaciones en Valladolid de Stop Accidentes y AVATA.

El público que se…

The competition was organized for the purpose of promoting traffic safety as an integral part of the project:

"10 Golden Rules of Traffic" that HAK realizes as part of its cooperation with…